Aquestes postals duen els colors de les banderes dels països del projecte. Has estat dissenyades per Adrián Jiménez, Alejandro Sagrado i Javier Méndez.
N'Adrián s'ha inventat un lema que ha escrit a la seva postal: "Tots units formam un sol país"
These cards are coloured like the flags of the European countries in the project. One of them has a friendly message at the top. It says:Joined all together we are just one country.
Felicitats, Adrià. Has tengut una gran idea! És un missatge de germanor molt bonic. Sally.
ResponderEliminarThese cards are coloured like the flags of the European countries in the project. One of them has a friendly message at the top.
ResponderEliminarIt says:Joined all together we are just one country.